Pro Polyjacking

Polyjacking vs. Mudjacking: The Ultimate Showdown for Concrete Repair

With summer construction projects in full swing, concrete repair has never been more needed in the Kansas City area. From leveling and sealing to joint and crack repair, it’s essential to choose a concrete repair solution that is reliable, sturdy, and long-lasting to support the very foundations of your construction project.

Whether you need industrial concrete repairs, residential concrete leveling, or even farm silo restoration, you need to understand what type of repairs you’re getting when you choose a concrete leveling company to aid you. Most likely, they are using either the polyjacking or mudjacking method, so we’re pitting the two against each other to see which one really has your concrete’s back.

What is Mudjacking?

Mudjacking is the traditional method of concrete repair that has been around since the 1900s, though the actual practice has changed quite a bit. In the early years of mudjacking, the term was fairly literal: mud was pumped into the cracks and collapses of roads and foundations to level and seal them using hydraulic pressure. Today’s mudjacking methods are more reliable and long-lasting, utilizing a mixture of organic materials (dirt or sand) and cement for a more sturdy repair. 


Even so, mudjacking isn’t a long-term solution as the material erodes and re-settles. It also requires drilling fairly large holes in the concrete that must be patched, and the patches may not perfectly match the color of your existing concrete.


Because mudjacking doesn’t actually stabilize the soil underneath, it must be redone every two to five years. While it may be slightly less expensive upfront than completely replacing a concrete slab, it really isn’t any more cost-effective as a long-term solution.

What is Polyjacking?

Polyjacking has been around for more than 30 years, and has proven to be a much more effective long-term solution for leveling and repairing concrete. Polyjacking uses water-resistant polyurethane foam to fill in the cracks and raise sunken concrete slabs. This foam expands as it is injected and is extremely lightweight and sturdy, actually fortifying the soil beneath to keep it from eroding and shifting as much over time.


Polyjacking is slightly more expensive than alternative concrete repair methods, but the advantages are in its longevity, saving you significant money in the long run as you don’t have to keep paying for additional repairs and upkeep. In fact, polyjacking doesn’t even require significant hole-drilling thanks to the expanding foam. A single, dime-sized hole in the affected area is all that is needed to inject polyurethane foam beneath the surface. When patched, you’ll hardly notice the injection site at all!

Polyjacking or Mudjacking: Which One is Better?

Let’s look at how polyjacking and mudjacking compare side-by-side:

How Long Does It Last?

Whereas mudjacking only lasts an average of two to five years, polyjacking lasts indefinitely. Why? Polyjacking is not just a bandaid solution filling in gaps as they appear: polyurethane foam actually stabilizes the soil beneath a concrete slab for lasting stability.

How Invasive Is It?

Mudjacking is relatively invasive, requiring drilled holes one to two inches wide in several areas to inject the mud/cement mixture. Polyjacking requires holes so small, it’s officially considered noninvasive! Injection sites are only ⅝” wide, and thanks to the expanding nature of the foam you don’t need as many of them to get the job done.

Does It Require Maintenance?

Polyjacking requires absolutely no maintenance! Thanks to its soil-stabilizing nature, it’s a hands-off solution. Once the foam has been injected and cured, your concrete is fully repaired and ready to withstand any load it must bear.


Mudjacking, however, requires maintenance to keep up with the literal shifting sands. You can expect to pay for mudjacking in the same or whole new parts of your concrete within a few years of the initial service. Mudjacking can even make the soil less stable as the holes drilled into it create gaps that will settle over time, causing the concrete to sag once more.

How Much Does It Cost?

Repair costs are the one area where mudjacking wins out, but keep in mind the maintenance issue! Mudjacking costs between $3 and $6 per square foot, but you can expect to pay the total cost again in five years. Polyjacking has a slightly higher cost range of $5 to $25 per square foot but is still a cheaper and longer-lasting alternative to completely replacing the affected slabs. Plus, you pay it once then never again! 

Give Your Concrete a Pro Polyjacking Facelift

In case it wasn’t already clear, we’re huge fans of polyjacking. This method is much more reliable and long-lasting for any concrete repair need, making it a valuable investment in your sidewalk, driveway, foundation, garage, or anywhere else you have load-bearing concrete.


It’s time to stop slapping mud on the cracks and hoping for the best. If you’re in the Kansas area and have some concrete that needs a good pick-me-up, contact us at Pro Polyjacking to get the job done right the first time!