Pro Polyjacking

Polyjacking for Municipal Projects: Parks, Sidewalks, and More

School Building and Hopscotch at Playground | Pro Polyjacking

If you enjoy spending time outdoors or have children or pets you most likely frequent local parks, explore downtown near Union Station, and do plenty of outdoor activities. While your children are playing on the playground or your family is walking around downtown Kansas City by sidewalks, you probably never stop to think about the […]

The Environmental Benefits of Choosing Polyjacking

Polyjacking Residential Concrete Sidewalk | Pro Polyjacking

Nearly everything we use or see daily positively or negatively impacts our environment. For example, driving an electric vehicle uses zero fossil fuels and positively impacts the environment while air pollution from large factories using fossil fuels or deforestation negatively impacts our environment. We’re all mindful of how small choices and swaps can have a […]

Enhancing Your Home’s Resale Value with Polyjacking

New Luxury Home Exterior | Pro Polyjacking

What’s the first thing you notice about a home? If you’re browsing realtor websites, prices, and pictures are first to catch your eye. Likewise, if you’re driving through a desired neighborhood and notice a for sale sign, the home’s exterior is the first thing to catch your eye. The home’s exterior is the first thing […]

Pros & Cons of Mudjacking

Patched Cracked Asphalt Road | Pro Polyjacking

Nearly every home project has pros and cons, whether it’s a DIY attempt or you hire a professional to tackle the job. Repainting the interior of your home, replacing flooring, restaining a pool deck/patio – the list goes on with neverending home projects. One home project you probably don’t have but should have at the […]

Dangers of an Unlevel Pool Deck & Patio

Inground Residential Pool in Backyard | Pro Polyjacking

While summer is nearing an end and fall is approaching, most homeowners still have their pools open until the daytime highs get cooler and crisp. Kansas City is notorious for unpredictable weather, but most often, late September or early October is when our weather shifts from summer to fall-like weather. If you have a pool, […]

The Effects of Summer on Concrete

Natural Stone and Concrete | Pro Polyjacking

Summertime and the living is easy with pool parties, graduation celebrations, the kids out of school, and backyard patio lounging. Though summertime is nearing an end and the kids are getting ready to return to school, summer’s effects are still felt here in Kansas City. July is historically the hottest month in Kansas City, but […]

3 Most Common Reasons Why Your Concrete is Unlevel

Uneven Sidewalk Tiles | Pro Polyjacking

Have you ever examined your driveway, patio, sidewalks, foundation, or any other part of your home’s exterior that has concrete? You’re not alone if you’ve ever discovered cracks or unlevel concrete. Nearly every home or business will develop cracks in the concrete throughout the years, most causing minor issues while others signal major issues like […]

Dangers of DIY Concrete Leveling

Tape Measure on Uneven Sidewalk | Pro Polyjacking

Some home projects are perfect for homeowners to DIY, like interior painting, caulking your home windows, replacing your HVAC filters, and staining the deck. Other home projects that are more involved and require expert knowledge and training should be left to the professionals, like installing a gutter system, replacing the roof, fixing plumbing issues, and […]

8 Common Foundation Issues & How to Fix Them

Crack in Concrete Building | Pro Polyjacking

Home foundations quite literally hold our homes up since they’re the first part of the home that was built. Whether you have a concrete slab, crawl space, wood, stone, concrete, or basement foundation, every home needs one before the framework begins. If homes didn’t have foundations, the structure would collapse from shifting soil, extreme weather, […]

A Quick Glance at the Polyjacking Process

Man Polyjacking Residential Sidewalk | Pro Polyjacking

You may have heard about polyjacking from a neighbor who had their concrete patio leveled, a friend who had their driveway leveled, or maybe on your own while researching how to repair cracked and unlevel concrete. Whatever the case, polyjacking sounds like a word with a complicated definition/process when in reality, it’s pretty straightforward. Polyjacking […]